Pasties, Mental Health and Fabulous Women
As tomorrow is International Women’s Day (8th March), this week is British Pie Week (3rd-9th March) and because every day is Mental Health Day in my house, here’s why I fuckin’ love Alma and her abnormal life.
Talking About World Mental Health Day Isn’t the Hard Part
I’m here to talk about World Mental Health Day, 10th October 2024. But talking about the day itself isn’t the challenging part… sharing your feelings is.
Why Self-Care Doesn’t Need to Involve a Trip to the Spa
I believe that most people don’t know what self-care is. So here are some everyday examples of self-care ideas that we can all do without too much effort.
Your Mental Health Triggers Don’t Take A Holiday
We know that mental health matters, but we can forget to take care of it in the summer. Here’s your mental health first aid kit – don’t forget to pack it!
What Have Dogs Got to Do with Stress Awareness Month?
The human brain is a complex thing, but I think we can raise our own self esteem with some simple behaviour training. We can do this by holding a mirror up to ourselves as we try to train our pets (and kids… and husbands, ha ha).
Why I Love Living La Vida Lagom and Know You Will Too
Even Goldilocks was partial to a bit of it, but what is lagom? Copywriter Kate Nilski will tell you why it’s good for your life, work, health, home and, of course, copy!
Bake the Pain Away: the Benefits of Baking for Mental Health
Ever felt the benefits of baking for your mental health? This food copywriter has finally caught onto the great feeling of baking a cake – clear your diary, kitchen and brain for measured mindfulness.
Never Work a Day in Your Life
Confucius had it right. He created the very shareable quote which, according to Google, he achieved way back in March 2013 (but thinking about it, I’m pretty sure that was when someone uploaded the info to Quora).
What 6 Self Care Tips Can We Learn from The Beatles?
Ever wondered how the Beatles kept their cool (most of the time)? This self-professed mental health writer explores the resilience of the Fab Four.