Who on earth is Kate Nilski? And where is her name from?

A woman in a striped top and headband holds her finger up to her chin and frowns

So many questions.

Let me answer them for you.

A bit about Kate Nilski, SEO copywriter and mental health banger-onner

A woman smiles as she sits next to a yellow labrador

The cold, hard facts

I’m a freelance copywriter, originally from a small town in Shropshire but now based in Sussex, UK.

I’ve got a degree in English Language and Linguistics, so if you ever needed proof I can write, well there it is.

I live with my husband, Adam, who likes to feed me delicious, home-cooked food. I also have a lazy cat, Thomas, and an excited dog, Peggy. You’ll see them all over my socials.

About my writing

Primarily I’m an SEO copywriter, so I write grabby words for brands anywhere in the world, mainly the UK and US.

I specialise in B2C food and mental health copy. My expertise is product/ service descriptions, email copy, blog posts, and brand voice development.

But, if your brand is not in the categories listed above and you like what you see, I’d be well happy to chat.

Some other stuff

As well as my pets, I love, in no particular order:

Music - I’m a land girl mod who’s in a folk covers band called Poni Mitchell

Comedy - including Victoria Wood, anything from the 70s, anything by Armando Ianucci, anything by the League of Gentlemen

Food - as fancy as you’d like to make it for me, thanks, but there’s always a time for beans on toast too

Self Care - it takes a long time to believe you deserve self care, but let me tell you: you do.

Ten-second bio

With 5 inconsequential things I feel far too strongly about:

  1. September is the best month

  2. Here Comes the Sun is not the best Beatles song

  3. I hated Ricky Gervais’ After Life

  4. The 70s was the best decade for music

  5. The C bomb is one of the most fantastic words in the English language

Connect with me

You already have a great brand. Now it’s time to shout about it from the rooftops.

P.S. My surname is Polish. It’s my married name and I’ve never been to Poland.