I work with brands who
care about mental health

And when I work, I indulge in a little mindful copywriting

That means my writing is always…


The best copy talks to the audience directly, and only the audience.

That means I research keywords that people actually Google and empathise with what they’re missing in their life (i.e. your brand).

I take the time to do this well and I don’t believe in churning out content to take any kind of shortcut to the top (because there isn’t one, soz).


Being present can mean being ‘in the moment’ mentally or keeping up to date with current trends.

I apply both of these meanings to the words I write for your brand. That way, people will see a brand that cares about what they do and wants to connect with them in a meaningful way.


If I think something needs doing, there will always be a reason for it.

So, every now and then I might stick my oar in and tell you if something needs changing or even cutting completely.

This comes from my 8+ years of experience in marketing through words. Trust me, I’m a copywriter.

Mentally healthy

Sometimes there’s a deadline that you just can’t avoid. But most of the time, there really isn’t.

If you can come to me as early as possible in your marketing process, then I can make sure I get the best words together for you in a timely way.

Rushing, feeling stressed and generally hating life isn’t what the workplace should be. And if there’s any issues at any time, just tell me. We can work it out – because mental health matters.


I love a bit of cheeky bants. And a bit of effing and jeffing.

But my writing will always be respectful, socially aware, sensitive and kind.

After all, don’t we all want our customers to be happy?

Why I’m a mental health writer

Throughout my life and career, I’ve learned a lot about staying mentally healthy (often the hard way -
haven’t we all?).

And since 2014, I’ve looked after my mental health through therapy and
personal research into human quirks.

As a result, I’ve become a mental health writer with a focus on everyday behaviours — hopefully convincing the loudest of naysayers that mental health affects everyone.