Creativity and Procrastination: The Perfect Marriage
Did you know that if you hire a copywriter, chances are you’re hiring a professional procrastinator? It’s true. But fear not, they will hit the deadline.
How Do We Feel Wetness? (It’s Relevant to Copywriting)
Spoiler: we can’t feel wetness, but what we can feel provides us freelance copywriters with a cool writing hack – all without using a clunky old thesaurus, hooray!
Find Out How a Freelance Copywriter Really Crafts Your Copy
Ever wondered what on earth all this fuss is about when it comes to an SEO copywriter creating your copy? Find out what you’re paying for when you hire us!
Make Mouths – and Eyes - Water with Emotional Branding
Make mouths and eyes water with emotional branding! Why using edible emotions in your food marketing and copy appeals to your customers’ emotions and creates loyal followers.
Why I Love Living La Vida Lagom and Know You Will Too
Even Goldilocks was partial to a bit of it, but what is lagom? Copywriter Kate Nilski will tell you why it’s good for your life, work, health, home and, of course, copy!
The Copywriting Process Described as ‘Ghosts’ Characters
What is a copywriter? BBC’s Ghosts help me explain. Because if ever there was a great way for me to explain the process of copywriting, it’s with similarities to the characters of this amazing sitcom. Natch.