What Do You Get When You Hire a Freelance Copywriter?

And why hire a copywriter at all?

Kate and her yellow Labrador, Peggy Mitchell

I just wanted to say that, if you’re wondering what it is about me that’s so special (apart from the amazing sense of humour, excellent copywriting skills and the lovely dog) it’s this number:

** 73.3%**

See, over the last seven and a half years as a freelancer, I’ve had a total of 15 clients.

And out of those 15 clients, 73.3% of them wanted to work with me for one year or more.

That meant I became a part of their in-house team for well over 12 months; I saw them for virtual summer beers, cheerily wished them a Merry Christmas, and everything in between. 

I’m hoping to count some more chooks soon…

And I hope this number will grow, thanks to two lovely clients I’ve started working with in the last six to eight months, but I won’t count those particular copywriting chooks before they’ve hatched. 

Why did they keep hold of me?

As a very modest person, I won’t assume to know or brag about all the reasons why I’ve been a keeper for my freelance career, but here are a few ideas:

  • I slot myself into relevant client teams

  • I listen to their overall marketing concerns

  • I get to know all about the bigger picture so I can help better

  • I can agree to help with auxiliary tasks like loading copy onto websites

  • I’ve even taken on a comms role recently, making me very much part of a team

  • And I like to think my politeness, punctuality and humour are the cherries on the cake…

So there we have it

Choose me to do your copywriting, and you could have a loyal, ready-to-go copywriter on your team to call any time you like.

I’m good like that. And, although every client is special, I enjoy growing a relationship with my clients more than a write-and-run situation.

OK, off you pop and have a lovely day.

In mental healthiness,


Pasties, Mental Health and Fabulous Women 


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